2008年8月14日 星期四


問 :
答 :
Human babies can swim from the moment of birth।
Human babies not only float but also, after being born submerged, can swim under their own power, holding their breath until reaching the surface। In the water, the human baby is not helpless. From the moment of birth on, the human baby can swim alongside its mother.
Human babies are born fat, this provides subcutaneous fat to enhance buoyancy।
Baby possess the "diving reflex।"
submerge the baby and the baby will hold its breath until it resurfaces।
Babies lose the diving reflex somewhere between 12 and 18 months।
If baby is placed in water, his throat will close so that he does not swallow the water। This means that baby will not drown if born in water, and he will also be a natural swimmer. This reflex will last for about 2 months, or longer if you take him swimming, i.e. the length mentioned above.
such reflex required our involuntary action to slow down the heart beat and the requirement of breath, therefore, if we lose this reflex as we grow, we need to learn swimming again.
